04 décembre 2015

Salt Lake City (english version)

Just a little postcard from the united States to say,

Welcome to Salt Lake City, the Mormon City, cleanest town on earth ever but especially, the weirdest place I 've ever been in my whole life. I'm sure that Laure will say the same, we pretty much agreed on that. Thankfully, we stayed at Jay's who was very kind to us. 
To be honest, I won't recommend you to stay more that a day though (if you don't have a car). We made the mistake to stay two because we thought that wa could go hiking or walking in some canyons but it was way to complicated. 

Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th of August 2015

During those two days we spent in Salt Lake City, we mostly chilled in bed and take some time to relax. We had to book an hostel for Los Angeles because the girl from couchsurfing who was supposed to host us let us down. 
In the afternoon we went downtown to do some shopping and visit Temple Square. Everything in the city is about Jesus and the mormons, it's insane. 

In the evening, we packed a picnic and Jay took us to the Great Salt Lake to see the sunset.  Don't get to excited about it, it is the smelliest place I've been to. It's really gross even if the lake itself is beautiful. 

So we decided to have our picnic in the Memorial Park also known as City Creek Park. We actually went back there on the second day to have a walk beside it. Cause you can hike in the mountain (kind of...)

We left Salt Lake on the 18th at night and took the train to go to Sacramento where we arrived the next day in the early afternoon.

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I will keep you update in english every Monday and Thursday on the blog.

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