25 janvier 2016

SAN FRANCISCO #17 (english version)

Just a little postcard from the United States to say, 

Today I am very happy to write this article about my arrival to San Francisco. It is definitely one of the cities I liked the most when I went to America. I mean... This is pretty amazing ! 
I hope I'll have the chance to back there, maybe when my friend Wiwoos will be settled there ! 
Anyway, here is the first article of five about our stay in SF.

Thursday, August 20th 2015

We arrived in San Francisco around 5pm, after nearly missing our train, stopped at Emeryville and took a coach. We've been very shocked by the change of temperature. It was very cold in SF compared to the rest of the USA. 

We had booked a shared room in an hostel on Ellis Street (which is actually the weirdest street of the whole city...) known for having a lot of homeless people. But in fact, the hostel was very nice and located close to Union Square and that was great !

In the hostel, I met my old friend Albane whom I haven't seen since high school like four years before. 
With Laure we decided to go and have a drink at the Jackalope with our friends from the train, Thomas and Benoît. Albane came with us and we went to the Matrix with her. This bar is not my type because it was very fancy and I was not feeling very comfortable. We anyhow had a blue cocktail that kept us awake all night long...

We ended eating a pizza with some swedish guys, sitting on the pavement before I broke my shoe and we called a cab to go home. 
It was actually not a very interesting day but we had a nice surprise the next one, especially because we met someone great... 

Next article will be on Thursday. Until then, subscribe to my Facebook page and share my article with your friends.
Take care !

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