15 novembre 2015

Don't touch my Paris !

Just a little card to say, 

Today, it's really hard to write something and find the right words to describe fear, sadness and the inability to understand what happened this Friday in my dear Paris. 
It is important to me, french young girl,  to be able to justify and legitimate my feelings. I spend the last two days watching the news and hoping that I would wake up from this terrible nightmare. 
Upon all, I am really proud today to be french and to stand by everyone else here. I am glad we are all united. I am also proud to be part of a generation who is going to stand up, stand together and fight back all together. It is so important to feel that we are not alone !
I would also like to support and offer my condolences to all the families who lost someone. 
I call on the youth to be tomorrow's resistance ! Do not let yourself down. You're not alone, I am with you.

Here is a letter Marc Chagall wrote to Paris, years ago.


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